ems abdominal muscle stimulator 2 handles sculpting telsa machine ems slimming machine
Theory of ems machine :
Telsa beauty muscle instrument uses
non-invasive NEW technology to release
high-frequency magnetic vibration energy
through two large treatment handles to penetrate the
muscles to a depth of 8cm, and induce
continuous expansion and contraction of muscles to
achieve high-frequency extreme training ,
to deepen the growth of myofibrils (muscle
enlargement), and produce new collagen
chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), therebytraining and increasing
muscle density and volume
The 100% limit muscle contraction of EMS
technology can trigger a lot of lipolysis, Fatty
acids are broken down from triglyceric
acid, and accumulated in large amounts in fat cells. The fatty acid concentration
is too high, which will cause fat cells to apoptosis and be
excreted from the body by normal metabolism
within a few weeks. Therefore, EMS beauty muscle instrument can strengthen and
increase muscles while achieving the effect of
reducing fat

Offer your clients the latest in cutting edge body contouring treatment
Just turn on and let the system do the work for you.
Simple and easy to use operation.
Zero consumables.
Non-invasive, no downtime, no side effects and pain free.
Recommended treatment cost $800 (single visit).
Comes with 2 applicators, allowing treatments for stomach, buttocks, arms and
Tesla High Intensity
based on 7 Tesla high intensity magnetic energy, which could cover big skeletal muscles of the human body, and this high energy level allows musle responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure.
Double layer Coil generates d.eeper and stronger high intensity electromagnetic effects.
Liquid Cooling Technology
it equiped with liquid-cooled applicators that allows long time opeartion without any overheat issue.
Sculpting handle
Two Magnetic Stimulation Applicators to treat all of your concerns independently or simultaneously.
it allows you to do 36,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes
for toning, building muscle and while at the same time dissolving fat.